unJustly... maybe

This blog explores the thoughts of 3 brothers on life, business, books & tech trends. Whether or not we put things up will depend largely on whether, on a particular day, we have anything to put up!
The opinions expressed herein are ours (and/or of the hacker who defaced this page...) and do not represent our employers’, family's, friends', acquaintances’, business partners’, roommates’, spouses’, kids' or pets' positions

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Akanksha Musical

Akanksha children bring to the city of Mumbai another Broadway-adapted musical, ‘Kabir and the Rangeen Kurta’. With a 150 less privileged children participating and many more working on its production, this musical sends out another simple message… the power of dreams and the courage it takes to make them come true… Directed by Kruttika Desai, choreographed by Shiamak Davar, sets by Fali Unwala, music by Roger Drego & lights by Michael Nazreth... Last year’s event 'Once Upon a Time in Shantipur' (which I attended) was an absolute delight. You would have forgiven me for thinking these kids were professional actors with years of stage experience! Every nuance measured, every dialogue delivered with panache, each of the 100-odd kids breathed confidence, elegance & passion. Surely, someone lied when they told us these were less-privileged kids who’d never seen a theatre in their lives, forget about acting in one! For had they not told us, we wouldn’t have known…not in a million years… As I wrote to a K Sriram of Akanksha after the event: “The play was wonderful, stupendous, amazing! Thank you, Akanksha & the kids for giving us an opportunity to experience pure joy! Can I book tickets for next year now?” Alas, I shall not be able to attend this year’s show (another reason I hate being away from India), but my best wishes to the Akanksha kids. For those of you who are in Mumbai, this is probably an opportunity of a lifetime. Do yourself a favour: Go & See It! Details: Venue: St. Andrew’s Auditorium, Bandra, Mumbai December 2005: 2nd & 3rd at 7pm; 4th at 12 noon January 2006: 6th & 7th at 7pm; 8th at 12 noon Ticket Prices: Rs 1000, Rs 500, Rs 300, Rs 200 Contact Manoj at the Akanksha office on 23700253/23729880 More details at: www.akanksha.org/events/musicallanding.htm


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