unJustly... maybe

This blog explores the thoughts of 3 brothers on life, business, books & tech trends. Whether or not we put things up will depend largely on whether, on a particular day, we have anything to put up!
The opinions expressed herein are ours (and/or of the hacker who defaced this page...) and do not represent our employers’, family's, friends', acquaintances’, business partners’, roommates’, spouses’, kids' or pets' positions

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Imagination, Business Trends & Doing What it Takes

A few interesting top ten lists from Dave Pollard's How to Save the World. Ten rules for being more imaginative: 1. Pay attention 2. Spend time with children 3. Remember your dreams 4. Change your point of view 5. Collaborate 6. Transport yourself 7. Improvise 8. Break the rules 9. Believe, and make believe 10. Get away from the media The ten most important trends in business: 1. Open-Source Business 2. Disruptive Innovation 3. Complexity 4. Corporate Reform 5. Innovation Incubation 6. Social Networking and Personal Productivity Improvement 7. Wisdom of Crowds 8. Channel Customization 9. Customer Relationship Management 10. Execution The nine reasons we don't do what we should: 1. Fear 2. Lack of Self-Confidence 3. Lack of Knowledge 4. Trying to Do Too Much Alone 5. Trying to Do Too Much 6. Loss of Self 7. Lack of Energy 8. Lack of Reward 9. It Can't Be Done


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