unJustly... maybe

This blog explores the thoughts of 3 brothers on life, business, books & tech trends. Whether or not we put things up will depend largely on whether, on a particular day, we have anything to put up!
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Friday, December 16, 2005

Carers Wish List

I wish:

I could watch a television programme all the way through I could go to bed when I want to and sleep through the night I could get up when I want to I could do something on the spur of the moment I didn’t have to watch the clock for tablets and toileting I didn’t have to worry all the time about the person I care for I wish things could be as they were.
Thanks to Chris Young, caring for her husband (& to Trevor for sharing this). Trevor Gay defines a carer as “family members (or friends) who provide care to someone suffering from an illness or disability. They are unpaid. Carers do this from a sense of duty and obligation but more importantly from a sense of love for the person they look after.” India has always had a rich tradition of carering (is there such a word?) It is not only common for people to take care of their parents/in-laws, it is almost an expected part of one’s duty to them. Almost all of us grew up watching our parents care for one or more of their parents, and we are the richer for the experience. Sadly enough this tradition seems to be waning with the advent of nuclear families & apartment-living of today. However, it is interesting to note that a western country like UK still seems to have a thriving culture of carering! As Carers UK point out “the care they provide is worth £57 billion per year - the equivalent of running a second NHS. People from all walks of life and backgrounds can become carers - over 3 in 5 people in the UK will become carers at some time in their lives.(emphasis mine) So, this holiday season, I request you to please visit the Carers UK Web Site and spend a little time reading some of the information.


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